Board Retreats

Board Retreats

A board retreat is an opportunity to re-engage and re-energize your board members. It should be different and stand-apart from your normally scheduled board meetings. Instead of a moving quickly through an agenda, a retreat offers your board and key staff time to concentrate on specific issues at your organization or to think big picture about the future. By bringing in Sara Leonard Group to facilitate your board retreat, you are providing a neutral party so participants feel free to express themselves, and you have someone to guide the discussion to get results.

While each retreat is developed to meet your organization’s specific needs, all of our board retreats feature:

  • high-energy, interactive, adult learning approach
  • teambuilding exercises to strengthen the connections of your board members
  • a review of board expectations to encourage engagement
  • written summary of discussions and action items

Our experience shows that a retreat works best when board leadership participates in setting the agenda. As part of your custom board retreat, there will be advance planning sessions with both the key staff and board leaders. Each session within a retreat is presented with an objective of identifying specific action items that an individual board member can take that will lead to increased success for the organization.

We can incorporate any of our training programs into your board retreat. Check out our Board Development, Core Competencies and Special Topics trainings.

We look forward to working with you to give your board back its spark! Contact us below and we can talk about how we can help you do more good.

Speech BubblesLet’s Talk! 

Schedule a phone call to discuss how we can help. Please fill out the form below or contact us at and we’ll get back to you as quickly as we can.